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The following questions are used by CBM.  Use them to make comments and we'll all be on the same page.

 Discussion Questions for Fiction
  • What was unique about the setting of the book and how did it enhance or take away from the story?
  • What specific themes did the author emphasize throughout the novel? What do you think he or she is trying to get across to the reader?
  • Do the characters seem real and believable? Can you relate to their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know?
  • How do characters change or evolve throughout the course of the story? What events trigger such changes?
  • How effectively does the author portray the presence of Holy Spirit in the characters' everyday lives? Has the author succeed in presenting faith in a way that feels relevant and relatable? Are there specific characters whose beliefs resonate with yours?
  • Did certain parts of the book make you uncomfortable? If so, why did you feel that way? Did this lead to a new understanding or awareness of some aspect of your life you might not have thought about before?
  • Discuss the book's structure. Does the author use any narrative devices like flashbacks or multiple voices in telling the story? How does this affect your reading of the story and your appreciation of the book? Do you think the author did a good job with it? How do you think it might have been different if another character was telling the story?
  • Do you think the author was equally invested in presenting the spiritual world in the novel as he or she was in developing a compelling plot and creating nuanced characters?
  • Christian books should point to Christ.  Was there a moment when you felt that prodding?

    Discussion Questions for Nonfiction
While many book clubs choose to only read novels and other works of fiction, there are many fascinating works of nonfiction that make for excellent discussion. Biographies, memoirs, essays, and historical accounts can all be very good reads, with topics ranging from politics and religion to science and technology. The following questions should help provide some ideas for discussion.
  • What did you find surprising about the facts introduced in this book?
  • How has reading this book changed or confirmed your opinion of Christianity/Religion/Relationship with God?
  • Does the author present information in a way that is interesting and insightful, and if so, how does he or she achieve this?
  • If the author is writing on a sensitive issue, does he or she give proper consideration to all sides the issue? Does he or she seem to have a bias?
  • How has the book increased your desire to read your Bible?