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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Get Up And Walk - A Review

Author - Daryl F. Hyun
A Reconciliation novel

"Get up and walk! That's what I'm saying to myself over and over."  Spoken by Michael Park.

          The title challenges us immediately by speaking to the more resistant part of the reader. Addressing someone in this manner is so powerful. It's a lot like bypassing the superficial and getting right to the part of us that no one ever really confronts.

          I believe everyone of us has a story to tell about how we took our first steps toward accepting reconciliation to Father God through his Son Christ Jesus.  For some, the journey is tumultuous  including a period when we are simply allowing life to happen without much of a fight like our main character Mike.

          Of course the end result is unhappiness due to bondage and eventually spiritual maybe even physical death. Some may not endure addictions or substance abuse but instead they weather troubles in the relationships they hold, no peace. Somehow the narrow path begins at the same place for both - the foot of the cross.

          The main family in the story were of Asian decent but their experience was universal something only helped by the restoration, repentance and forgiveness of God.  We can all relate to the real life experiences depicted in the story.  The vulnerability of the characters especially those in the support group with Mike reminded me of the condition that we are all in without Christ.

Point of Contention:
          It is not an easy task to communicate the message of reconciliation. My main focus is on whether or not the book truly points to Christ.  Throughout the story God is described as the Eternal. This I considered to be a little vague. Any religion can claim that their god is the Eternal. The main characters never really talked about Christ (the only way to Father, God).  I  felt that was a little ambiguous.  In this day and age it is important to be transparent when it comes to glorifying the only wise God.

Line that stood out:

Expressed by Michael Park (p 81 ).
"Get up and walk! That's what I'm saying to myself over and over."

Take away scripture: (Acts 3:7)
And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. 

CBM gave Get Up and Walk ...... 1B

This novel, per the jacket, was loosely based on Bible story the Prodigal Son.   It could have pointed to Christ a bit more clearly in my opinion. To me it seemed more of a personal account or more of the inspirational/self help genre because in the end it motivated the reader to stop feeling sorry for himself/herself and do something positive to change their life.  


Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of (Get Up and Walk) as a member of the
Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit dorrancebookstore.com
to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.



pray without ceasing.
Read your Bible every day and apply it till the Bridegroom comes!

Your sister in Christ

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