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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Book Expo (09) Christianity vs Atheism

The 2009 Book Expo hosted this meeting of the minds...I guess you could call it that.   Not sure what the purpose of this type of discussion was?  The YouTube comments/responses are protected under the constitution but I have to admit I felt some kind of way reading them.

There is some serious jaw-jacking going on in this video. But what are they talking about really?  It sounds like they are comparing God to man or man to man???  I don't know but we can't compare ourselves to ourselves and we for sure can't be comparing our thoughts to His.  This effort is futile in my opinion.  I know one thing, this video has helped me to understand the failure of the law regarding salvation.  The only way to salvation is through God's son Jesus Christ. Either you believe it or you don't.  The end.

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